
Naoki Shimomoto Photo Exhibition

■ART MEETS PEOPLE vol.018 Naoki Shimomoto Photo Exhibition
下元 直樹 写真展 2017.6.1THU.-6.18SUN.(会期延長予定)

写真家 下元直樹が、いつもの街の喧騒や忙しく歩く人、誰かを待つ人、変わらずそこにあり続けるものなど、街で出会ったイメージを幾重にも重ねて残像で表現。普段は見ることのない日常の一瞬を記録したコラージュです。

Naomi Shimomoto depicts the moment of ordinary living which is hardly seen through
photo collages. It is captured by layers of real and imaginative Images that he encountered
such as the hustle and bustle of the usual city, people walking busy or waiting for
somebody, and eternal beings.